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Refreshing Community

I have an embarrassing secret…

I don’t co-op!

Because we don’t co-op, I’ve had to hunt for friendship and support. What I have found to be wonderful about it all, is that my homeschooling group of friends includes families in all different stages and styles of homeschooling. I have friends who have graduated adults, kids about to graduate, kids who are the same age as mine, kids that are right behind mine, and a few who are about to have their first and hope to someday homeschool. I also have friends who use different methods and curriculums. Some are classical, some are literature based like us, and some are undecided and still figuring it out. I love this kind of diversity! Our conversations are so rich and refreshing. We may not agree on everything, but we all agree on what matters and we share generously with each other from our resources and experiences.

One of my sweet friends shared a podcast by Durenda Wilson with the rest of us and I want to share it with you, my Friend. In this podcast, Durenda Wilson tells us three things she has learned in her 24 years of homeschooling that are incredibly practical, inspiring and so simple. I’m sharing this podcast with you in hopes that you find it helpful regardless of what stage you are in or method you use. Maybe you have veteran homeschool parents sharing wisdom with you regularly (count your blessings and tell them how much you appreciate them! Their knowledge was hard earned). Maybe you don’t have anyone and feel like the Lone Ranger. I encourage you to find community where you can, whether that’s face-to-face or online. Community can make all the difference in your journey. 

I am cheering you on!


Listen to Durenda’s podcast here!